
FACT REPORT: Candice Shields Mysteriously Vanishes While Three Months Pregnant From Her Home In Graham, Texas

It was Saturday December 10th around 9:30 PM when Johnny Salinas last said goodnight to his grand-daughter Candice. Her family unaware that on this evening this would be the last time anyone would see or hear from her. Candice's family having no clue of the unimaginable nightmare that loomed ahead and the journey that no family ever wants to embark on when a loved one vanishes. Candice Renee Shields, "Candy" to her friends; a vibrant 20 year old was three months pregnant at the time of her disappearance. It was early morning the following day on the 11th of December when Salinas her grandfather, whom she shared a home in the small town of Graham, TX went to wake Shields anticipating giving his grand-daughter a ride to work. Shields was expected to report to work that morning at 8AM. She had just begun employment at What-A-Burger, a local burger joint on the prior day. Salinas discovered that Shields was not in her room or in the residence. Her cell phone, purse and all of her personal belongings still in her room. Family members began calling around to various friends and relatives seeking information as to where Shields may be located. Shields' best friend Marissa Munn arrived at the Salinas residence in attempt to determine what Shields may have been wearing when she left the house. After going through personal items and clothing left behind in the room, the determination was made that Shields was most likely in her favorite plaid green pajama pants bearing an XBOX logo, black hoodie sweatshirt and white tennis shoes. Munn, no stranger to familiarity of Shields' personal effects, had been roommates with Shields prior to her moving into her grandparents' residence.

The last words Shields posted on her page, along with other postings in the days leading up to her disappearance, rang an ominous tone. Just past midnight pushing into the early hours of the 11th, a post was made by Shields, stating:

"idk wat to do anymore" 12:38am CST via mobile.

Other posts made by Shields indicated she was feeling stressed while trying to locate a vehicle for transportation to and from work. Another early hour posting on the 10th, the night before she was to begin her new job, she posted:

"well if anyone out there finds or sees a car for sale and or nos about one text me or message me please i need a car to get to work and home thnx and i some one can help lol" 2:15am via mobile.

According to Shields' mother, Candice did not have a drivers license and would have had no means to purchase a car at the time as she had just started working that day. Shield's listed on her facebook profile as being"
"in a relationship" with "Jeremy Thornburg"

Candice Shields' mother, Michelle Quillan who lives a couple hours away, has traveled back and forth in efforts to locate her daughter. Quillan is unable to find any logical explanation as to why her daughter would have left behind her cell phone, purse; which contained all of her identification including her brand new debit card, makeup and all personal day to day items including all of her clothes. Quillan and other family members have expressed that Shields is a social butterfly, known to always be on her phone. "It's like she had it glued to her hand, Candice is very social and her friends and family are very important to her" says Quillan. What is even more disturbing Quillan claims that she has learned her daughter had refilled the minutes on her cell phone, which amounted to an unlimited month usage, earlier on the day she was last seen before vanishing. The worry felt by Quillan continued to escalate when a couple of days later her birthday arrived with no call from her daughter. "Out of all my children, Candice is always the first to wish me Happy Birthday and there was no call from her and I really started to panic" says Quillan. Without having the usual contact with her daughter on her birthday only contributed another unusual factor in the realm that Shields did not vanish or leave on her own accord. When asked whether or not Shields had expressed any behavior or issues to family, friends or those in contact with her in the days leading up to her disappearance, Quillan did state that "a family member picked Candice up from her first day of work and she told this member of our family that she had been threatened by a co-worker and that she was scared to go back to work". In a message earlier on the day of Shields disappearance, after finishing her first shift on her new job, she responded to a question left on Facebook inquiring if she has a new job? Then in which yielded Shield's responsed:

"yeh and it very stressful and idk how I am going to do this". December 10th at 3:29PM

With family members confirming Shields' expression of fear that day; the Facebook messages left by Shields could potentially substantiate the unknown events on Saturday, December 10th 2011.

The real question today is where on this earth is Candice Renee Shields? Many people are searching for her and will continue to search for her until she is located. In most cases there is always a "SOMEONE" WHO KNOWS the answers to these burning questions that her family is so desperately seeking "Where is Candice"? The questions in this case; who are these "SOMEONE(s)" who either by accessory or default bear full knowledge or possess limited but possible factual information of Candice Shields whereabouts or potential whereabouts? It is always highly recommended that these "SOMEONE(s) follow the law in proceeding to become forth coming to investigators with ANY information or suspicions or potential of which may assist in locating Candice Shields. I encourage these people to call the Graham Police Department first and foremost with any information. Understandably, there are many situations where these type of "SOMEONE(s)" are as fearful for their own safety and for these "SOMEONE(s)" there is an anonymous tip line set up through the CUE Center that can be dialed on any phone or another option to remain anonymous is by submitting an tip online on the CUE Center website ensuring your identity is protected. The information will then be sent to the authorities but will allow the person(s) to remain anonymous.

Candice Shields' mother and family led the way bringing in ground support last week with a national search organization; Community United Effort also known as "The CUE Center For Missing Person's" who was called at the request of Shield's family along with volunteers from the community.

Candice Renee Shields is loved and missed by many, most of all by her family and especially by her mother. Candice writes on her personal MySpace page under "my heros" she lists her "Mother" as one of them. While there are many remaining unanswered questions surrounding Shields' location, her mother Michelle is not giving up hope in praying her daughter is out there, a best case scenario for a family when a member disappears under unusual classic uncharacteristic circumstances. As recent as today another message of the many posted by Michelle hoping for Candice on Facebook reads:

"Candice . I hope u can see this we if u have a way to a phone please call collect 210-236-8500 we will come a pick u up where ever u r , and if some one has u he will pay , we miss u babe .
And if someone has my daughter and u can read , please let her come home
her family needs her. Candice if u are running this is no way to hide ur family needs u , we r family and thats what family does we stick together thru anything. please call us we can help no matter what it is . its no worth running babe
I love you"

Quillan explained that her family had just moved prior to her daughter going missing, she is not that comfortable putting her phone number on the internet but willing to take any risk to bring her daughter home. You can also follow along information on the family's Facebook page
"Official Facebook Page- Help Find Candice Shields"

We will continue to cover the disappearance of Candice Shields.

Contact Information:

Lead Investigative Agency - Graham City Police Department: 940-549-6441


Cue Center For Missing Persons 24 hour tip line" 910-232-1787
Cue Center For Missing Persons 24 hour online tip submission: