
Brittanee Drexel Case Approaching Three Year Mark: Is There New Information Coming Out Of New York?

April 25th, will mark three years since Brittanee Drexel was last seen on a spring break trip taken to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Brittanee was a high school junior from the Rochester area who traveled with friends and without her mom’s permission to Myrtle Beach on April 23, 2009. Her fate still unknown to her family, friends and loved ones who have tirelessly searched for the missing teen since she went missing on that fateful evening. Her cell phone gave off it's last signal in Georgetown County and no activity on her bank account has been detected since she disappeared. Brittanee's last known footsteps were captured on video camera she was seen departing the Blue Water Resort after she reportedly visited a group of friends also from the Rochester area who were staying at that location. The police have stated publicly that the video tape is the last known sighting of Brittanee as she departed around 9 pm on that evening.

There have been numerous reports for the past three years that have indicated possible breaks in the case. So far, this information has not produced the location of Brittanee Drexel. Endless searches continue to be conducted by law enforcement officials along with The CUE Center for Missing Person's; a national missing person's organization who has been involved in the Drexel case from the beginning and continues to advocate for Dawn Drexel and her family. Many questions have been left unanswered for three long years but have the tides of "wondering" started to shift gears into another direction?

At the start of this case, attention immediately focused onto those that Brittanee Drexel was last known to be in the company of before she mysteriously vanished. Specifically, one of many friends, a young man by the name of Peter Brozowitz, also of New York. Brozowitz was instantly targeted in which a national media frenzy was born. Brozowitz, sans his spring break companions, now at the center of the storm appeared on the talk show Dr. Phil claiming he had nothing to do with Drexel's disappearance. After three long years will Brozowitz's words ring to be true after all?

Brozowitz stated on the Dr. Phil show:

“I know just as much as the media, and like I said the media twisted everything that’s going on, and you weren’t there,,” Brozowitz said. I was there with four other people and I’m the one that is singled out.”

Truly, Brozowitz was singled out by being named publicly by the media after returning to New York and retaining an attorney. But what is seemingly remarkable is the untouched issue of the other four people he mentions as well as the little focus on those other "friends" Drexel traveled to Myrtle Beach with and the rooted friendships that are intertwined between the groups of friends. Brozowitz clearly states on the Dr. Phil show that "I know just as much as the media" in which this statement seemingly translates he is equally aware of information as anyone else by way of media reports. In the same breathe he continues next to state "and like I said the media has twisted everything that's going on". His next statement is a complete and utter contradiction to what he just claimed prior; in which he was in agreement with media in the sense that he posses equal information as anyone else by way of media reports. Can these two statements bear any semblance of truth when clearly they are contradictory statements?
Can there be a realm of truth in both statements and how would this even be possible? How can Brozowitz claim to know as little or only what the media reports but in the next statement claim the media have it all wrong unless he does have some type of knowledge of what may have happened to Drexel? My opinion is that it can possibly indeed be both ways in the first two statements he makes and for a variety of reasons in which I will report more in depth as this case continues to develop. He goes on next to state:

"And you weren't there"

- EXACTLY! Brozowitz though WAS there in Myrtle Beach and so were many other friends and teens from the Rochester, NY area. But the key information that needs to be focused on as gospel truth is in what Brozowitz states next and that is:

"I was there with four other people and I’m the one that is singled out"

EXACTLY! Tall tales aside for a moment; is this one of more honest statements being made by Brozowitz? Brozowitz is one of several friends that were in Myrtle Beach, a mysterious early departure, a quick retaining of legal counsel, and yet the one and only who has spoken publicly through the media and under such intense scrutiny. Where have the other friends been? Have they offered support, compassion or empathy to Dawn Drexel and family? Finally, was Brozowitz a scape goat for the others? Time will tell....

Amidst, the national attention this case has sparked, messages boards, forums and comments sections have been plagued with rumors for the past three years. Accusations have been slung and opinions have been stated by many; reflecting back on a few opinions that were held in 2009. One may now be starting to ask whether or not there was some actual truth to any of these opinions with so much time passing since the night Drexel vanished.

From a internet website a poster named "Batman" wrote on April 29th 2009:

"This is absolutely ridiculous. I have never been so embarrassed of my country and fellow Rochesterians. Peter is an amazing kid, he wouldn't harm a fly. Do you only listen to what you want to hear? Do you thrive off of other peoples misery?...if so you are being VERY ignorant! Peter was released, no problems at all, he was with 5 of his friends who all saw her leave the hotel, ALONG WITH THE HOTEL VIDEO survelliance. She was the one who left to return shorts to her "friends" Why are people still questioning him?!!! Where are her so called FRIENDS who left her? Peter was simply letting her vent to him and his friends, while watching a baseball game! It is sad that the poor kid has to hire a lawyer in order to feel safe from all of you low life people who enjoy making someone feel as if they did something wrong. I am a very sensitive person, mother, however I would never judge someone based on no evidence what so ever! I hope that Brittnee does decide to return home and that she is safe. However, it is too bad that all of your negative comments and false accusations will be forgetten, as if you never said them to the public, and you have damaged someones feeling of safety, respect and their character because of what you said...once again..BASED ON NOTHING!!!!! I hope Brittanee returns home safe and you are all forgiven!!"

Next a person who goes by "Allison" wrote on May 28th 2009 voiced their opinion:

"I think you need to look at the girls she was with. They seem pretty sketchy."

Some offer that they feel the cavalier attitude accompanied by the lack of forthcomingness, cooperation and compassion from the individuals that Brittanee was known to be with as some type of omission of guilt. A poster who labels himself as "Get Serious" stated his opinion on May 28th 2009: --

"I agree completely. If these girls can post some of the comments about her on their myspace pages that are so cold-hearted and spiteful, then who knows what else they may have done to help create the situation it is now. It seems to me as they had it out to try and ruin her and it may have gone too far. I never would post on a website for the world to see comments about a friend or acquaintance, especially if they had mysteriously disappeared. The kids these days have no sincerity or respect for each other and have no idea about "The Golden Rule" or treat others as you would like to be treated"

Another entry that caught my attention was written by "wunder" who also wrote on May 29th 2009: --

"TheTruth, I wish there was a way to contact you without anyone else seeing that information. I don't know anything important, but wanted to share some conversations I had with Brittanee in the past few months. One thing I'll say is that she was not steady with her boyfriend at all. One time instead of taking her home, she had me take her to a friend's house because she didn't want to be home alone and have John come over. Said they had broken up about 4 or 5 times. In other conversations, she said she "never wanted to get married."

Three years is a long time. Time eventually fades away, memories have fallen short, "facts" have changed, guilt slowly starts to seep in, people grow and change, friendships fade, boyfriends come and go, and the inner conscious keeps one awake at night as they as wrestle with one of the best hidden secrets until...........

Who would have the capability and motivation between friends to constitute an ultimate punishment to Brittanee Drexel by vanishing her from those who love her? What type of person would do such a thing? Would this person be emotional vested? Jealous? Envious? -- that is a question many want answered; sources seem to be leaning toward an indication that the answers to the main question "Where is and what happened to Brittanee Drexel on April 25th 2009" may be coming to light in the very near future. You may ask yourself why those who know these answers have remained steadfast in silence for all this time - were they scared? are they still scared? And of what and whom? Is the power bigger than anyone could have ever fathomed?

William Faulkner once said "Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life."

I agree that time will surely tell.